There might be other meanings for each word besides the ones shown here, but these definitions will give you a general idea of the differences between them:
Abroad -> In or to a foreign country or countries
They used to go abroad every summer.
Aboard -> On or onto a ship, aircraft, bus, train
We finally went aboard the plane three hours later.
Aunt -> The sister of someone´s mother or father, or the wife of someone´s uncle
We stopped off to visit my aunt and uncle in Boston.
Ant -> A small insect that lives in large and highly organized social groups
Bird -> A creature with feathers and wings, usually able to fly
Beard -> Hair that grows on the lower part of a man´s face, sometimes including the hair that grows above the lips
Beside preposition -> At the side of; next to
Come and sit here beside me.
Besides adverb, preposition -> In addition to; also
Do you play any other sports besides golf?
He won´t mind if you´re late - besides, it´s not your fault.
Beg -> To ask for money, or to ask (someone) to do something in an urgent way
There are a lot of homeless people begging on the streets these days.
My girlfriend begged me to quit smoking.
Bag (SIMPLE CONTAINER) noun -> A simple container of paper or light plastic that is open at the top, used esp.to hold things you have bought
A grocery/Shopping bag.
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