Which is your favorite type of movie?
TYPES OF MOVIES Example(or Definition)
Action - Robocop
Comedy - There´s Something About Mary
Western - Billy the kid
Thriller - The Sixth Sense
Science Fiction - Back to the future
Horror - Friday the 13h
Romance - Ghost
Musical - Beauty and the Beast
Documentary - (a film or television or radio program that gives
information about a subject and is based on facts)
Drama - Titanic
War - We were soldiers
Fantasy - Spider-Man
Biography - (the story of the life of a person written by someone else)
Animated - Sherek
Adventure - Harry Potter
Mistery - (something strange or unknown which has not yet been
explained or understood)
Historical - Titanic
movie noun [C]
a series of moving pictures, often telling a story, usually shown in a theater or
on television; film
A moviegoer is someone who goes to movies, esp.frequently.
A movie theather os a building in which movies are shown.
movies plural noun
the showing of movies at a theater
We went to the movies last night.
trailer (ADVERTISEMENT) noun [C]
an advertisement for a movie, often showing a few, brief parts of it
preview noun [C]
an advance showing of something such as a movie or play before its formal opening, or
the showing of a few parts of a movie or television program as an advertisement
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