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segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Curiosidade Cultural: The five o´clock tea

The tradition of the 5 o´clock tea began in England in the early 1800´s with the Duchess of Bedford. This history tells that noble was always hungry in the afternoon, and because of that, created the habit of drinking tea and eating toast. This was also a great opportunity to show off all her wonderful china and silver cutlery.

The tradition was quickly spread around Europe, and after a while, plus tea, it was served hot chocolate, toast, jam, cakes, biscuits, muffins, scones, madeleines, petit fours and all sorts of delicious snacks.

E você, vai tomar chá às 17h no dia de hoje?

Saiba mais:


duchess - duquesa
hungry - com fome
show off - exibir, mostrar
cutlery - talheres
was quickly spread - se espalhou rapidamente
jam - geléia

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