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terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2012

Reading: Jeans

Jeans are trousers  made from denim. The american blue jeans were invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss in 1873. At the beggining, they were simply sturdy trousers worn by workers, especially in the factories during World War II.

James Dean´s character in the movie "Rebel Without a Cause" made these trousers popular, and in the 50´s many teenagers were wearing them as a symbol of youth rebellion.

During the 60´s, they became more acceptable and by the 70´s they had become general fashion in the United States for casual wear. Nowadays, jeans are wardrope staple.

denim - brim
sturdy - forte; firme
youth - juventude
staple - a parte mais importante

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