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terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2011

Phrasal verbs based on GO

Here are some phrasal verbs based on GO. Some have a number of different meanings.

Go on
What is going on next door? (happening)
They went on working despite the noise. (continued)
As the weeks went on, things improved. (passed)
You go on, we´ll catch you up later. (go in advance)
The oven should go on at six. (start operating)
He´s always going out at me about my hair. (complaining)

Go through
I wouldn´t like to go through that again. (experience, endure)
Let´s go through the plans once more. (check)
Unfortunately, the business deal we were hoping for did not go through in the end. (was not completed or approved)
He went through a fortune in one weekend. (spend, used)

Go for
He really went for her when she dared to criticize him. (attack)
He goes for older women. (is attracted by)
Which course have you decided to go for? (choose)

Those shoes don´t go with that dress. (suit, match)
The alarm went off when the burglars tried to open the door. (rang)
He would never go back on his word. (break a promisse)

Here are some expressions based on GO

Let me have a go! (Let me have a turn or try!)
I hope they´ll make a go of the business. (make a sucess of)
He´s been on the go all day he´s exhaused. (very busy, on the movie)
It goes without saying that we´ll all support you. (clear without being said)
Your work is good, as far as it goes. (but is limited or insuficient)
Ths story goes that they were once very close friends. (It is said that...)
I´m sure she´ll go far (be very sucessful)
They went to great lenghts to keep it a secret. (took a lot of trouble)
The business has gone bankruput. (not go enough money to pay debts)

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