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quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2010

Patient vs Patience

Quando se está aprendendo Inglês as vezes fazemos confusão com algumas palavras e se não tomarmos cuidado carregamos certas dúvidas para a eternidade, para que isto não aconteça com você caro leitor, veja exatamente quais são as diferenças entre patient como um substabtivo; patient como um adjetivo e ainda patience como uma habilidade.

Patient - noun

A person who is receiving medical care, or who is cared for by a particular doctor or dentist when necessary

EX: I'm a patient of Dr Stephens, please could I make an appointment to see her?

Patient - adjective

Having patience

Ex: Dinner will be ready in half an hour - just be patient!
eX: Be patient with her - she's very young.

Opposite: impatient


Patience noun (QUALITY)

The ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties, or to suffer without complaining or becoming annoyed.

Ex: You have to have such a lot of patience when you're dealing with kids.
Ex: In the end I lost my patience and shouted at her.
Ex: He's a good teacher, but he doesn't have much patience with the slower pupils.
Ex: Making small-scale models takes/requires a great deal of patience.
Ex: Their youngest son was beginning to try my patience (= annoy me).
Ex: Patience - they'll be here soon!

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