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segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2012

Curiosidade Cultural: The White house

The White House is the official residence and the main workplace of the United States´ president. Located in Washington DC, the house was designed by an Irish man named James Horban, and it was built between 1792 and 1800. Since then, it became the residence of each president of the country.

The White House Complex includes the Executive Residence, the West Wing, the Cabinet Room, the Roosevelt Room, the East Wing, and the Old Executive Office Building, which houses the executive offices of the president and vice-president.

The property belongs to the National Park Service and, in 2007, it was ranked in second place in the American Institute of Architects´ list of "America´s Favorite Architecture".


Workplace - lugar de trabalho
Houses - abriga
Basement - porão
Ranked - Classificada

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