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quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

Reading: The other side (a must read)

In the Doctor's office the very sick man asked his doctor:

Doctor, what is on the other side of life?

The doctor looked at his patient in the eye, put the pen on the table, crossed his arms and calmly replied:

I do not know!

How come you do not know? - Replied the patient exasperatedly. I'll die, I do not know what is on the other side of life and you tell me with this tranquility?

At that moment, squawks were heard outside the door. Soon after, scratches in the door.

The doctor got up, went to the door and opened it. A beautiful happy dog jumped in the arms of his owner.

He waved his tail, licked the doctor, expressing his joy.

Then, the considerate professional looked at the bleak man and said:

Did you see what this dog did? He had never been here before. However, he entered the room confident, happy, as soon as the door was open.

And do you know why? Because he knew that his owner was in this room.

Me too. I do not know what is on the other side of life. But one thing I am certain: My Lord will be there! So there is nothing to fear.
* * *
Throughout the ages, man has searched for what exists beyond the tomb and how life after death is.

Around this theme, theologians and religious leaders have been put to think and discuss about ideas regarding this life that we are all heading towards.

In the nineteenth century in France, a French pedagogue asked the immortals about this and the veil began to be lifted, revealing a world full of life.

Abundant life, as said by the Master of Nazareth.

Books have been written about how life continues to Immortal Spirits like we all are.

But not all believe in Spirits, these voices from heaven. Not all believe in mediumship and communication of the so-called dead.

However, all Christians certainly remember the words of the Master Jesus, in His farewell speech Thursday night, preceding His arrest:

Do not let your heart be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also in me.

In my Father's house are many mansions. Otherwise, I would have said it to you. I'll prepare the place for you.

So the doctor is right. If our Lord will be there if He said He would go first to prepare the place, this is what is awaiting us.

Thus, it does not matter what else exists. It does not matter if we have clearer ideas or not about what is beyond physical life.

We have one certainty: Jesus will be there. He awaits us, Pastor of all the sheep on this planet and as the Good Shepherd, he will receive us.

Think about it!

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