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sábado, 7 de abril de 2012

7 British/American Spellings

Some British English and American English words have the same meaning and pronunciation but different spellings. 

Here are seven common groups. If you are not sure about a spelling, it's best to look it up in a British or American dictionary as appropriate.

1. ogue/og
BrE: analogue, catalogue, dialogue
AmE: analog, catalog, dialog

2. our/or
BrE: colour, favourite, honour
AmE: color, favorite, honor

3. ence/ense
Bre: defence, licence
AmE: defense, license

4. s/z
BrE: analyse, criticise, organisation (but z is also used)
AmE: analyze, criticize, organization

5. l/ll
BrE: enrolment, fulfil, skilful
AmE: enrollment, fulfill, skillful

6. re/er
BrE: centre, theatre, metre
AmE: center, theater, meter

7. miscellaneous
BrE: jewellery, programme, practise, pyjamas
AmE: jewelry, program, practice, pajamas
NB1: in BrE program is used when talking about computers
NB2: in BrE practise is a verb and practice is a noun

referência: http://EnglishClub.com

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