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quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2012

Slang and colloquial English

Slang is a very informal language that includes new and sometimes rude words, especially words used by particular groups of people. It is common for students of English come to class and ask teachers for a specific word or expression and it is also common when teachers say that this word / expression does not exist in English. Here are some colloquial expressions and slang used in Portuguese and in English as well.

Acorda! (pedindo atenção) = Look lively!

Acabar em pizza = To end in smoke

Aguentar as consequências = To face the music

Amarelar = To chicken out

Brega / cafone = Naff, tacky

Cai na real = Get real / Wake up and smell the coffee

Caiu a ficha = It clicked / It rang / The penny dropped

Cara de pau = Cheeky

Chupão no pescoço = Hickey

Servir de cobaia = (to serve as) a guinea pig

Dar branco (esquecer) = To blank out

Dar o cano em alguém = To stand someone up

Desencana! = Make peace with it!

É mais fácil que roubar pirulito de uma criança! = It´s a walk in the park

Estar "boiando" = To be in the dark

Estar por dentro das coisas = To be in the know

Estraga prazeres = Wet blanket / killjoy

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